Hire talented developers – anywhere, anytime

Unicorn.io is a unique and simple platform for companies to hire or contract Mobile and Desktop App developers, QA Engineer, and DevOps. You will find a range of roles from senior developers to product owners.

Trusted by leading brands

Andersen Sp. Z O. O.
Cybrient Technologies
Discover new tech talents, every week

Discover new tech talents, every week

Every Monday you will receive new talents who are looking for work similar to your offers. Get in touch with those who fit your criteria.

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Validated skills

Every talent must pass our code challenge and a verification call with their TalentRep. Only the top 10% will make it through this process.

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Validated skills
Speedy hiring

Speedy hiring

On average, on Unicorn.io, employers fill their vacancies within 4-6 weeks. Whether it's your first hire or you are building your team, Unicorn offers a faster way to do this than traditional recruitment methods.

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Hire the best talents, no matter where they are from.

Choose the best engineers from around the globe with our visa support

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Hire the best talents, no matter where they are from.
Our AI will help you find the right profiles

Our AI will help you find the right profiles

Based on your specific needs you will receive a weekly shortlist of the best fitted candidates and save you precious time.

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Need dedicated HR staff or recruiters?

Need recruiters and HR staff? In partnership with HireRecruiters.io, we can provide you with a vast set of tools and manpower to help you increase your recruitment and HR efforts.

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Unicorn.io is part of Cybrient Technologies SA