List of programming tech-stack by category - Last updated on 2024-12-20
At, we believe that it's important to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the skills and technologies that are available in the market. That's why we're committed to creating an exhaustive list of programming languages and technologies that we cover. We understand that the information about these skills can be scattered and difficult to find, which is why we want to provide a single, reliable resource that anyone can use to find the information they need. By compiling this list, we hope to make it easier for employers and talents to find the resources they need to succeed. We believe that this will ultimately help to drive innovation and improve the overall quality of training and support that we offer.
Skill | |
Mobile Development |
Android | |
iOS Objective C | |
Swift | |
Java | |
Unity | |
Xamarin | |
Ionic | |
Drupal | |
Joomla | |
Magento | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Backend Development |
PHP | |
Python | |
Go | |
Ruby on Rails | |
Erlang | |
Haskell | |
Kotlin | |
Rust | |
Clojure | |
F# | |
Scala | |
C | |
C++ | |
C# | |
Elixir | |
Solidity | |
SAP | |
SalesForce | |
Salt | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Frontend Development |
Bootstrap | |
Tailwind | |
HTML5/CSS3 | |
Javascript | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Javascript Frameworks |
Angular JS | |
Ember.js | |
Backbone.js | |
React | |
React Native | |
Vue.js | |
Meteor | |
node.js | |
Express.js | |
Electron | |
TypeScript | |
Aurelia | |
Alpine.js | |
Deno | |
Inferno.js | |
Lit | |
Preact | |
Solid.js | |
Svelte | |
Arrow.js | |
Three.js | |
Flutter | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
eCommerce |
OpenCart | |
Shopify | |
Expression Engine | |
Concrete5 | |
Typo3 | |
WooCommerce | |
Big Commerce | |
PrestaShop | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Blog |
Wordpress | |
Craft CMS | |
Astro | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Operating Systems |
Linux | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Servers |
Nginx | |
Apache | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Infrastructure |
AWS | |
Akamai | |
Cloudflare | |
Docker | |
Azure Cloud Development | |
Kubernetes | |
Helm | |
Terraform | |
Chef | |
Puppet | |
Google Cloud | |
Apache Kafka | |
Netlify | |
Vercel | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Tools |
Adobe XD | |
Adobe Photoshop | |
Adobe InDesign | |
Adobe Illustrator | |
Adobe Premiere Pro | |
Adobe After Effects | |
Adobe Lightroom | |
Adobe Audition | |
Adobe Premiere Rush | |
Adobe Animate | |
Sketch | |
Figma | |
Zeplin | |
Miro | |
Penpot | |
Siter | |
UXpin | |
InVision | |
Affinity Designer | |
Soasta Cloud Test | |
WireShark | |
Charles Proxy | | | |
Veracode | |
Snyk | |
Qualys | |
Protractor | |
Appium | |
TestNG | |
Checkly | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Test Management |
Mantis Bug Tracker | |
TestCollab | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Functional Testing |
Selenium | |
Cucumber | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
API Testing |
Postman | |
Apiary | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Unit Testing |
JUnit | |
NUnit | |
PHPUnit | |
SonarQube | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Multi-Browser Testing |
Sauce Labs | |
Browser Stack | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill | |
Multi-Device Testing |
Amazon Device Farm | |
Missing a skill? Suggest a skill |